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Vision & Mission


As we approach the next decade, the institute will be a leading example of collaboration and pioneering. We will be known as a top producer of engineers and scientists, a leader in materials and manufacturing technological advancement, and a hub where businesses can accelerate workforce readiness through practical, hands-on training.

To lead in the creation of transformative solutions to the most pressing needs of Louisiana, the US and the world through the study, discovery, production, improvement, and transformation of materials that matter. We will provide expertise and innovative solutions for the most challenging needs in industry and society while cultivating leaders ready to overcome the unforeseen obstacles of tomorrow. 


We aim to provide a network of experts which champion innovative research, education, and outreach in materials science, engineering, and manufacturing. The institute supports the critical fields of energy, structural and functional materials, advanced manufacturing, and biotech through an ecosystem of researchers, centers, and labs. IMRI’s mission is to facilitate, accelerate, and be a force multiplier for the development of ground-breaking multi-disciplinary research.  To conduct world-class materials science and engineering (MS&E) research, education, and outreach supporting the critical fields of energy, biotech, structural and functional materials, and advanced manufacturing. To actualize scientific discoveries and enable new technology opportunities that serve 21st century societal needs through innovation, educational pursuits, entrepreneurial pursuits, industry collaboration and community outreach. To develop leaders, amplify talents, and be a recognized center of expertise in materials science, engineering, and advanced manufacturing.