The interdisciplinary Institute for Materials Research and Innovation forms a bridge of materials knowledge between basic science (e.g., chemistry, physics, biology, etc.) and engineering disciplines (chemical, mechanical, civil, electronic, aerospace, petroleum, etc.) with research topics encompassing load and non-load bearing materials. The structural or load-bearing materials include the four basic classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites) and the non-loading bearing materials (including electronic, magnetic, and biocompatible). Invariably research and development effort concerning these materials has impinged upon more than one scientific discipline and thus the interdisciplinary approach has come to characterize materials Research and Development.
IMRi identified three areas within the broader domain of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing that represent the greatest strengths and potential for growth, excellence and commercialization:
- Polymers and Composite Materials
- Biomaterials
- Metals Manufacturing and Materials