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Externally Funded Projects

Funding by Year1









1Some projects contain cost share required by funding agencies.
2The total funding in 2020 may be subject to change based on the actual start date of the project(s). 


  1.  “Development of accelerated test protocols for SOFCs,” DOE, 2016-2021, UL Lafayette Share: $681,851, Xiao-Dong Zhou (PI)
  2.  “Multiscale approach to new functional magnetic materials,” ETH Zurich, 2017-2020, $370,000, Michalas Charilaou (PI)
  3. “Investigating reaction mechanism of water-gas shift reaction on mesoporous ceria-based catalysts,” LA Board of Regents (BoR) Research Competitiveness Subprogram (RCS), 07/01/2017-06/30/2021, $174,974, Hui Yan (PI)
  4. “Electro-conversion of methane to liquid products,” NSF, 2017-2020, $150,000, Xiao-Dong Zhou (PI)
  5. “Controlled Polymer Synthesis Towards the Precision of Biomacromolecules,” Board of Regents of the State of Louisiana Research Competitiveness Subprogram award (LEQSF(2017-20)-RD-A-23), 06/01/2017–06/30/2021, $145,500, Yu Wang (PI)
  6. “Acquisition of a Bench Top NMR Spectrometer for Integration into the Chemistry Curriculum,” Enhancement Program, Board of Regents Support Fund (LEQSF(2017-18)-ENH-TR-30), 6/1 2017-6/30/2019, $60,175, August Gallo (PI), Wu Xu (Co-PI)
  7. “Thermophysical Property Measurements by Electrostatic Levitation for Additive Manufacturing and Materials Design,” Louisiana Space Grant Consortium (LaSPACE), 07/1/2017-06/30/2018, $33,026, Jonathan Raush (PI)
  8. “Expanding the Application of Computational Chemistry in Teaching and Research at UL Lafayette,” Enhancement Program, Board of Regents Support Fund (LEQSF(2017-18)-ENH-TR-31), 6/1/2017-6/30/2019, $11,255, Kathleen Knierim (PI), Wu Xu (Co-PI)
  9. “Measurement and Characterization of Thermophysical and Thermochemical Properties of Liquid Metal Alloys for Laser-Based 3D Metal Printing Modelling and Optimization,” NSF/La BoR, 01/01/2017-03/31/2018, $10,000, Jonathan Raush (PI)
  10. “Systematic Biology REU suppl. Collaborative Research: ARTS: Integrative Research and Training in Tropical Taxonomy,” NSF DEB, 2017, $6,250, Suzanne Fredericq (PI)
  11. “Modulation of cellular response on nanocrystalline architecture for bone tissue engineering,” Louisiana EPSCOR (SURE), 1/1/17-12/31/17, $5,000, Dilip Depan (PI)
  12. “Novel Seaweed Growth Systems to Drastically Reduce Cost of Biofuels,” U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), OceanForesters for the AdjustaDepth and Seaweed Paddock, ARPA-E contract DEAR0000916-1, Phase 1, Contractor, 2017-2018, $4,000, Suzanne Fredericq (PI)


  1. “Unsuspected eukaryotic life inhabits rhodolith-forming coralline algae (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta), a remarkable marine benthic microhabitat,” NSF DEB, 2018-2021, $893,911, Suzanne Fredericq (PI), Sherry Krayesky–Self (Co-PI)
  2. “High-performance and stable SOFC electrodes,” DOE, 2018, $625,000, Xiao-Dong Zhou (PI)
  3. “Research Experience for Undergraduates in Advanced Infrastructural Materials,” National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergrads Program (REU), 2018-2021, $357,012, Qian Zhang (PI)
  4. “Developing and Investigating Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Ultrathin Solid Electrolytes with NREL for Lithium Ion Batteries,” NSF RII Track-4, 10/1/2018–9/30/2020, $249,201, Ling Fei (PI)
  5. “Mitigating Pavement Reflective Cracking Using A Ductile Concrete Interlayer,” TanSet-University Transportation Center (UTC), 03/18-09/19, $89,748, Mohammad Khattak (PI), Q. Zhang (Co-PI)
  6. “Soil-Recycled Aggregate-Geopolymer Road Base/Subbase Mixtures-Step Towards Sustainability,” TanSet-University Transportation Center (UTC), 03/18-09/19, $89,148, Mohammad Khattak (PI)
  7. “Development of Material Properties of Inconel, Titanium, and Nickel alloys for Process Optimization of Selective Laser Melting Additive Manufacturing,” NASA, 08/14/2018-12/21/2019, $30,390, Jonathan Raush (PI)
  8. “Thermophysical Property Measurement and Microstructural Evolution of Liquid Metal Alloys for Laser-Based 3D Metal Printing Simulation,” NSF/La BoR, 06/01/2018-07/31/2019, $10,000, Jonathan Raush (PI)
  9. “Systematic Biology REU suppl. Collaborative Research: ARTS: Integrative Research and Training in Tropical Taxonomy,” NSF DEB, 2018, $6,250, Suzanne Fredericq (PI)
  10. “Additional stability analysis of modified Mooruka Crawlers,” Gibson Energy, 2018, $3,000, William Emblom (PI)


  1. “Acquisition of Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscope for the Multidisciplinary Research and Education at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette,” NSF MRI, 10/01/2019–09/30/2022, $1,425,129, Xiao-Dong Zhou (PI), Suzanne Fredericq (Co-PI), Sherry Krayesky-Self (Co-PI), Mehdi Mokhtari (Co-PI), and Thomas Pesacreta (Co-PI)
  2. “Integrated Computational and Experimental Optimization of Materials and Methods for In-Space Manufacturing of Lightweight Metal Alloys (ISM-LMA),” NASA/La BoR, 07/01/2019-06/30/2022, $1,379,394, Jonathan Raush (PI)
  3. “Enhancement of biology research and teaching through personal flow cytometry,” LA BoR ENH, 2019, $85,000, B. A. Stauffer (PI), Suzanne Fredericq (Co-PI)
  4. "Modeling and Prediction of Slip and Tong Die Tooth Penetration," Frank's International, LLC, 05/2019-04/2020, $66,279, Jonathan Raush (PI), Alan Barhorst (Co-PI), William Emblom (Co-PI)
  5. “Systematic Biology REU suppl. Unsuspected eukaryotic life inhabits rhodolith-forming coralline algae (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta), a remarkable marine benthic microhabitat,” NSF DEB, 2019, $14,500, Suzanne Fredericq (PI)
  6. “Systematic Biology REU suppl. Unsuspected eukaryotic life inhabits rhodolith-forming coralline algae (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta), a remarkable marine benthic microhabitat,” NSF DEB, 2019, $12,500, Suzanne Fredericq (PI)
  7. "Multiscale characterizing of aluminum tubing texture produced by friction stir back extrusion: Phase 1 - Preliminary macroscale investigations," Louisiana Consortium for Innovation in Manufacturing & Materials (CiMM): 2019 Seed Grant Proposal, 1/1/2018-12/31/2019, $10,000, Alan Barhorst (PI), William Emblom (Co-PI)
  8. “Development of multiple printed metal layers from the optimized sintering of metal NPs for the fabrication of electrodes, interconnects, or circuits,” Consortium for Innovation in Manufacturing and Materials (CIMM) Seed Funding, supported by NSF and LA BoR, 01/01/2019-12/31/2019, $10,000, Seonhee Jang (PI)
  9. “Curriculum: Louisiana Advanced Manufacturing Progress (CLAMP),” NASA (Subaward through Delgado Community College), 08/23/2019-08/22/2021, $9,885, Jonathan Raush (PI)


  1. “High performance MS-SOFC system for range extension of commercial electrical aviation,” DOE ARPA-E, 10/01/2020-09/30/2022, $2,829,217, Xiao-Dong Zhou (PI), Subhash Singhal (Co-PI), Dave Daggett (Co-PI), Jonathan Raush (Co-I), Rafael Hernandez (Co-I)
  2. “Louisiana Materials Design Alliance (LAMDA),” Subaward from NSF EPSCoR (total $20M), 07/01/2020-06/30/2025, $2,690,000, Miao Jin (PI), Ahmed Khattab (Co-PI), Jonathan Raush (Co-PI), Xiao-Dong Zhou (Co-PI)
  3. “High-Efficiency Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to Ethylene,” DOE NETL, 10/1/2020-9/30/2022, $1,250,000, Xiao-Dong Zhou (PI), Dilip Depan (Co-PI), Tolga Karsili (Co-PI), Yu Wang (Co-PI)
  4. “New Materials and An Efficient Processing Approach for Materials for Harsh Environments-Advanced Fabrication and Joining of High Performance Materials,” DOE EERE-Advanced Manufacturing Office, 10/1/2020-9/30/2022, $1,175,000, Xiao-Dong Zhou (PI), Ling Fei (Co-PI)
  5. “MRI: Acquisition of a Closed-Loop PPMS Enhanced for Multidisciplinary Research and Education at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette,” NSF MRI, 09/01/2020-08/31/2022, $518,246, Gabriela Petculescu (PI), Michalas Charilaou (Co-PI), Ling Fei (Co-PI), Jonathan Raush (Co-PI)
  6. “Quantum Chemical Studies of the Thermal and Photo-induced Chemistry of Criegee Intermediates,” National Science Foundation, 2020-2023, $248,499, Tolga Karsili (PI)
  7. “Single cell resolution level relationship between extra-cellular matrix stiffness and tumor regrowth,” LA Board of Regents (BoR) Research Competitiveness Subprogram (RCS), 06/01/2020-06/30/2023, $228,179, Dilip Depan (PI)
  8. “Dielectric failure and recovery mechanisms in flexible electronics,” Research Competitiveness Subprogram (RCS), $210,603, 06/01/2020-06/30/2023, $62,978, Seonhee Jang (PI)
  9. “Ultra-high BRILLIANCE multi-cusp ion source for research users at the Louisiana Accelerator Center (BRILLIANCE@LAC),” La BoRSF (Enhancement), 07/01/2020-06/30/2021, $182,972, Harry Whitlow (PI), Jonathan Raush (Co-PI)
  10. “Modelling the Thermal and Photophysical Decay of Criegee Intermediates,” Louisiana Board of Regents Research Competitiveness Sub-program, LEQSF(2020-23)-RD-A-24, 2020-2023, $152,289, Tolga Karsili (PI)
  11. “Modeling of topological defects and emergent magnetic states in nanostructures,” Louisiana Board of Regents Research Competitiveness, 2020–2023, $120,000, Michalis Charilaou (PI)
  12. “Next generation electrodes and cells for energy conversion,” Industry, 2020, $100,000, Xiao-Dong Zhou (PI)
  13. “Acquisition of FTIR microscope for advancement in chemical, materials, and biological science research and education,” LA Board of Regents (BoR) Enhancement (ENH), 06/01/2020-06/30/2021, $85,303, Dilip Depan (PI)
  14. “Develop Free-standing Anode for Next Generation Lithium Ion Batteries in Support of NASA Space Missions,” NASA EPSCoR, 03/16/2020-03/15/2021, $80,517, Ling Fei (PI)
  15. “Development of High-Performance Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries,” LA Board of Regents, 6/30/2020-6/30/2021, $40,000, Ling Fei (PI)
  16. “High Performance Asphalt Composite for Mitigating Pavement Cracking,” BORSF/POC, 07/20-06/21, $40,000, Mohammad Khattak (PI)
  17. “Development of green concrete reinforced with renewable chitin nanowhiskers,” Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC), 07/01/2020-06/30/2021, $37,065, Dilip Depan (PI)
  18. “Electrostatic Levitation Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Aerospace Alloys,” Louisiana Space Grant Consortium (LaSPACE), 2/24/2020-05/31/2020, $12,470, Jonathan Raush (PI)
  19. “Metal patterns with a desired thickness from metal nanoparticles for RFID tags,” Consortium for Innovation in Manufacturing and Materials (CIMM) Seed Funding, supported by NSF and LA BoR, Renewal, 01/01/2020-12/31/2020, $10,000, Seonhee Jang (PI)
  20. “In-Situ XRD Characterization of Micro-Structural Evolution of Lightweight Alloys for Laser-Based 3D Metal Printing,” NSF/La BoR, 01/01/2020-06/30/2020, $10,000, Jonathan Raush (PI)
  21. “Electrostatic Levitation System Development for Advanced Material Characterization in Support of Laser-Based 3D Metal Printing,” NSF/La BoR, 09/01/2020-06/30/2021, $10,000, Jonathan Raush (PI)
  22. “Integrated Electrode Design and Development via 3D Metal Printing for Lithium Ion Batteries,” NSF-CIMM Seed grant, 01/01/2020-07/30/2020, $9,950, Ling Fei (PI)